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The Wallace
My good friend Wallace passed away 
on 31 January 2019. He is very much missed.

Although Wallace has gone, you will still find a cat here:  Andrew's cat Jake now seems to permanently reside at Glencoe House, and he is most welcome.


Wallace and Ronni

in Moses basket
(photo taken before 
we were a B&B; 
this room is now the guest room)



Patches & Wallace 
on water butt

Black tulips growing where Wallace's good mate Patches was laid to rest

Patches was our neighbour's cat but then started spending all his time in our yard with the Wallace.   
He was only with us for 2 years.  More . . .






The new wheelie bins  have arrived!

Nigel & Roger
(1995, 81 Wyggeston St)


Nigel was born in Connecticut in the 1970s.  
She (yes, Nigel was a 'she') and my other cat Basil were flown to England in 1992, where they were collected by a quarantine vehicle.  Nigel survived her 6-month quarantine; Basil died half way through.
Nigel lived in good health till just past age 20.


from email about Patches' death, October 2012

Patches was originally our neighbour's cat but he started spending all his time in our yard and eventually he moved in with Rog. He also made himself known with all the neighbours, poking into their homes — he used to come over here and open all the cupboards and the downstairs loo, flicking the doors open with his paw, so it was easy to tell when Patches was in the house — if all the doors were left open, he was in here somewhere. And if the water from the water bowl was all over the floor, then he'd flicked that all out of the bowl — what that was all about, I never figured out. He just made himself at home wherever he was, and would wind himself round your legs, tripping you up half the time. He'd tap at Rog's loft window at night to be let in, and then would wake Rog around 4 to be let out. He could be a right pain but what neither of us had realised was how much he'd become a part of our lives. After all, he wasn't a cat we'd chosen, he just started living here, and played his cards right with The Wallace, always playing the subserviant role to him so the two of them became fast friends. He was only with us for about 2 years but has left an impression that will last much longer.